I was told that shaved ice actually tastes better in the colder months. He said that the ice melts too quickly in the summer because it is too hot, and that the real taste is in the winter. This time, we will hold the“Koori to Ka no Kai” in the fall after the summer has passed.
We are pleased to present a miraculous one-time-only dish by Ms. Megumi Nishio of Houka and Mr. Shinji Kumakura of DERBÄR. The two of them have been exploring the delicious shaved ice for this event for quite some time now. From the search for ingredients, to the combination of ingredients, to the destination of the deliciousness that you feel now. We are sure that everyone will be impressed by the deliciousness of the shaved ice this time as well. The taste that only those who have eaten it can understand, the surprise, the fleeting and lovely aftertaste that seems to be a slice of the present. A feeling that makes your heart dance and pop so quietly that you don’t want to forget it. You will be able to taste the shaved ice, which can only be described as magical. Another unforgettable shaved ice is about to be born.
Mariko Hojo
西尾 萌美 (萌菓 houka)
大学卒業後、企業勤務を経て渡仏し、Sébastien Dégardin氏のパティスリーなどに4年間勤務。帰国後は東京の ホテルや京都のレストランに務める。2016年より、沖縄・北谷の「TIMELESS CHOCOLATE」で製造と商品開発 に携わり、2020年より「萌菓 houka」の名前で個人の活動を開始。農家や生産者を訪ね、沖縄の食材を探究しな がらイベントでのデザート提供や菓子販売を行う。
熊倉 真次 (DERBÄR)
11:00~ / 12:30~ / 14:00~ / 15:30~ / 17:00~
11:00~ / 12:30~ / 14:00~ / 15:30~ / 17:00~
Contact information
TEL 0742-25-2775
MAIL hello@suimontei.jp