Sushi Kimura, located in Futakotamagawa, Tokyo, is a one-of-a-kind aged sushi restaurant. We used to think that the fresher the fish is, the better the taste of the sushi, but the fish is aged using a unique technique to amplify its flavor, resulting in a sticky texture with an indescribably concentrated flavor. The length of time the fish is laid down differs depending on the fish, and his unique technique brings out the best of its flavor. The only way to understand the taste is to try it. Until I tried it, all I could do was imagine what it would be like, and it was both frightening and exciting, like stepping into a new world. The taste is elegant, yet the umami is very strong. This aged sushi, which can only be found at Sushi Kimura, will be served at Suimontei for one day only. We hope you will enjoy this aged sushi, which is frequented by food connoisseurs from all over Japan.
Mariko Hojo
東京 二子玉川に店を構える「すし 㐂邑」 大将が握る鮨は、唯一無二の熟成鮨。ネタの魚は新鮮なほどおいしいと思っていましたが、独自の技術で魚を寝かせて旨みを増幅させた鮨は、ねっとりとした質感の中になんともいえない旨味が凝縮されています。ネタによって寝かせる期間は違い、彼独自の技術でそのおいしさを最大限に引出します。こればかりは食べてみないとわからない味としか言いようがありません。わたしも食べてみるまでは、想像ばかりが膨らんで、こわいやら楽しみやら新しい世界へ足を踏み入れる感覚でした。上品な味わいながらも、しっかりと感じる旨味。「すし 㐂邑」でしか食べられないこの熟成鮨を今回一日限りで翠門亭にて、握っていただきます。全国から食通が足繁く通うこの熟成鮨をぜひ、ご堪能くださいませ。
北条 満李子
Part 1/一部 11:00~
Part 2/二部 13:30~
Part 3/三部 16:00~
Part 4/四部 18:30~
Price:¥ 27.500
Contact information
TEL 0742-25-2775