2023. 9. 27
September Vegetarian Cuisine/長月の料理

Around the time of the Mid-Autumn Moon, we will hold an Autumn Vegetarian Cooking Party. We have moved on to the next season where the temperature of the breeze is gentle and comfortable. This summer was also hot and very severe. I feel that my body has been put through a different kind of strain than in the winter, and I would like to take a little time to be kind to myself.
Ginkgo, yam, shiitake, lotus root, pumpkin, and peanut. Autumn harvests, which store the energy of the hot summer, support our bodies and minds as we prepare for the long winter ahead. Listening to the season of deepening autumn and enjoying the changes in the ingredients, the chef has put a lot of time and effort into creating beautiful, clean, and delicious dishes.
Oh, it’s delicious.”
The deliciousness you can feel the moment you put it in your mouth. Dishes that will delight your body and soul. At Suimontei, we are still exploring the possibilities of vegetarian cuisine. We are looking for beautiful vegetarian cuisine in the beautiful and fruitful autumn season.
We value sweetness, aroma, and texture. We hope that you will enjoy this season of autumn. We hope you will have such a time.
We look forward to welcoming you to our restaurant in the season of cooler weather after the equinoxes. We look forward to welcoming you.

Mariko Hojo


中秋の名月の頃、秋の精進料理の会を開催します。 ふれる風の温度がゆるやかで心地よい次の季節へと進みました。今年の夏もあつく、とても厳しい季節でした。 冬とは違った体の力みが入っていて、ここから少し自分にやさしい時間を持ちたいと感じています。
銀杏、山の芋、椎茸、蓮根、南瓜、落花生。 あつい夏のエネルギーを蓄えた秋の実りは、長い冬に備える私たちの心体を支えてくれます。 秋が深まるこの季節に耳を傾けて、食材の変化を楽しみながら、料理長が手間ひまかけた清く美しくおいしい品々。
口に含んだ瞬間にわかるおいしさ。心体がよろこぶ料理たち。 翠門亭では、まだまだ精進料理の可能性を模索する日々が続いています。 美しい実りある秋の季節に美しい精進料理を。
甘味や香り、食感を大切に。 秋というこの季節を楽しんでいただける。そんなひとときを皆さまへ。
お彼岸を過ぎ、少し涼しさを感じる、そんな季節に。 皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。

北条 満李子



9/27 Wed.-10/1 Sun.
11:00~ / 13:30~


general price/一般価格:: ¥9,600
member price/会員価格: ¥8,000


Contact information

TEL 0742-25-2775

MAIL hello@suimontei.jp

